Bath & West Show
Mangledwurzels have been booked to make return visit
to the Royal Bath & West Show. The band will be
playing two 40 minute slots on the Village Green on
the Thursday. As well as The Mangledwurzels, you can
expect art exhibitions, rural crafts and local produce
to a miniature railway, falconry displays and terrier
racing - there's more happening than you think at
the country's premier agricultural show. A great day
out in Somerset for families, friends and rural enthusiasts.
Tickets on sale now - Adults: £17, Family One:
£20 (Admits up to one adult and two children
under 16), Family Two: £40 (Admits up to two
adults and four children under 16), Children under
5 years: Free. Ticketline: 01749 822222 or buy online.
On-The-Gate prices - Adults: £20, Children (5
-15 years): £6, Children under 5 years: Free.